Why should I get licensed?
Before you can get on the air, you need to be licensed and know the rules
to operate legally. US licenses are good for 10 years before renewal and
anyone may hold one except a representative of a foreign government. In the
US there are three license classes—Technician, General
and Extra. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) explains the
licenses and procedures quite well.
Purpose of Amateur Radio
According to the American
Radio Relay League (17 January 2021)
"For over 100 years amateur radio and ARRL — the National Association for Amateur Radio® — have stood for the development of the science and art of communications, public service, and the enhancement of international goodwill. Amateur Radio’s long history and service to the public has solidified the well-earned reputation that “Amateur Radio saves lives.”
Amateur Radio Operators, due to their history of public service, their training, and the requirement that they be licensed by the FCC have earned their status as a component of critical communications infrastructure and as a reliable resource “when all else fails."
Amateur Radio is about development of communications and responsible public service. Its misuse is inconsistent with its history of service and its statutory charter. ARRL does not support its misuse for purposes inconsistent with these values and purposes."
This was issued shortly after the Advisory was issued by the FCC on
the same date caused by unrest in the United States following the
presidential election on 06 November 2020.
New Advisory from the FCC (20 April 2021)
The Enforcement Bureau (Bureau) of the
Federal Communications Commission issues this Enforcement Advisory to
again remind licensees in the Amateur Radio Service, as well as
licensees and operators in the Personal Radio Services, that the
Commission prohibits the use of radios in those services to commit or
facilitate criminal acts. The Bureau recognizes that these services can
be used for a wide range of permitted and socially beneficial purposes,
including emergency communications and speech that is protected under
the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Amateur and Personal Radio
Services, however, may not be used to commit or facilitate crimes. As we
did in our January 17 advisory earlier this year, the Bureau reminds
amateur licensees that they are prohibited from transmitting
“communications intended to facilitate a criminal act” or “messages
encoded for the purpose of obscuring their meaning.”1 Likewise,
individuals operating radios in the Personal Radio Services, a category
that includes Citizens Band radios, Family Radio Service walkie-talkies,
and General Mobile Radio Service, are prohibited from using those radios
“in connection with any activity which is against Federal, State or
local law.”
2, Individuals using radios in the
Amateur or Personal Radio Services in this manner may be subject to
severe penalties, including significant fines, seizure of the offending
equipment, and, in some cases, criminal prosecution.
Issued by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau
earlier Advisory from the
FCC (17 January 2021)
From:FCC Office of Media Relations
Subject:Enforcement Advisory to Amateur & Personal Radio Service Licenses & Operators
Date:January 17, 2021 at 9:45 AMThe FCC’s Enforcement Bureau today issued an Enforcement Advisory warning amateur and personal radio services licensees and operators that they may not use radio equipment to commit or facilitate criminal acts. The Enforcement Advisory says: “The Bureau has become aware of discussions on social media platforms suggesting that certain radio services regulated by the Commission may be an alternative to social media platforms for groups to communicate and coordinate future activities. The Bureau recognizes that these services can be used for a wide range of permitted purposes, including speech that is protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Amateur and Personal Radio Services, however, may not be used to commit or facilitate crimes. Specifically, the Bureau reminds amateur licensees that they are prohibited from transmitting ‘communications intended to facilitate a criminal act’ or ‘messages encoded for the purpose of obscuring their meaning.’”